Gary bought bus ticket and sat on the vacant seat near the man they both exchange smiles the man sitting near Gary said, hey how are you i always see you in the bus on weekends from near one year, to which Gary replied yes i travel on saturday and comes back on monday morning, what is your name gentleman and why you travel in every weekend? he said my name is Frank and i work in this city and travel's in weekend to catch up my family. Frank took the conversation ahead and ask to Gary you seem old and weak, you didn't get tired off from journey as you have not missed single weekend and travel regularly.Gary said i have a sick relative there to take care so i have to visit in my sickness or health anyway, Frank said well man you are very caring person must say and seems you give priority to your near and dear ones more than self, appreciated ! to which Gary gave death stare to him for a moment and said in my 55 years of life nobody had given me such kind of compli...